• Nángó
  • hungarian
  • folk music ensemble
Albert Jonas
Albert Jonas
The leader of our ensemble is Albert Jonas. He started to play the violin as a child, enjoying a classical education for many years. As a teenager he had his first contact with Hungarian folklore. He is interested in the different techniques played at the different villages and prefers music from the Transsylvanic region. He is also an excellent three-stringed viola player and a good dancer. He organizes and leads our rehearsals and is the contact point for our engagements.
Peter Maklari
Peter Maklari
Peters instrument is the three-stringed viola, called 'bracsa', pronounced brah-cha. He accompanies the 'primas' in a rythmic manner, striking chords simultaneously on all three strings of the viola, following the melody. The bracsa provides depth to the melodies, assisting in expressing the moods of the songs and music. He plays his instrument also since he was a teenager and is able to reproduce the music of certain regions with an astonishingly authenticity. To top it all off, he is an excellent dancer too.
Philippe Kocian
Philippe Kocian
Philippe is our musical genius. He has absolved the conservatorium on the piano in addition to his regular studies. In his 'spare' time he is an organ player in the catholical church of Vevey, and is member also of a scottish folk band. In our ensemble he plays the dulcimer on a very high level, as well as the accordion, depending on the region's music. He is also our authority in all questions concerning music theory.
Robert Toth
Robert Toth
Robert started to play the string bass when his predecessor, Zsigmond Vucic, left Switzerland to live in Hungary. Before that, he played the violin in the initial incarnation of our band. In addition to the bass and violin, Robert also plays the acoustic guitar, the electric guitar and bass. With his string bass he has found a tool to provide the ground work, the basis of our music. Ah and he is quite a decent dancer, to say the least.